Friday, August 1, 2014

Lions, and Tigers, and Mountain Bike Trails...Oh, my!

Who knew there were good mountain bike trails in Kansas of all places? Just 6 miles off of I-70 near Wilson, Kansas is Wilson Lake State park home to the IMBA Epic Switchgrass Trails. The trail system boasts slightly over 21 miles of sinuous single track ranging from a 6 mile kids/beginners loop to an advanced loop requiring technical rock handling skills on the Golden Belt Loop. The above photo is of Brokebike Mountain on the Marina Loop, and gives a good feel for how the trails meander along the topography of the park.

Hell Creek loop follows the contour of the ridge to the south of the road to Lake Wilson State Park. As the trail dips down the ridge you follow a narrow strip of trail with moderate cliff side exposure to help maintain your focus.

Hell Creek loop weaves in and out of small gulches along the ridge line.

Cliff exposure on Hell Creek loop. Along with the threat of falling off the trail there were plenty of lizards to keep you focused on your front wheel through this section.

Scenery along the more sedate EZ loop which is the starting and ending trail if you do the full loop from the trail head parking lot.

Buff section of trail along the EZ loop.

Lots of wild life to be seen along the trail. I lost count of the number of lizards and turtles I saw along, and in, the trail. The most amusing was the collared lizard which runs on its hind legs. I had seen this behavior on natural history shows on TV, but I burst out laughing not expecting this behavior from lizards in Kansas. The lizard starts out running on all fours, then jumped up onto its rear legs and puts it in overdrive to get away from my front wheel. I also saw what I believe to be a snake that's not really a snake. I'm pretty sure it was a Glass Lizard, but I only got a quick look at it before it took off into the grass. I moved at least 5 Ornate Box Turtles from the trail to keep them from being ran over. I also saw one Horny Toad!

Gratuitous Horny Toad picture

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