Monday, July 28, 2014

An auspicious beginning...

Well my trip is will be off to a great start tomorrow morning. As I closed my tailgate this evening the lock fell out. I'll have to take the back of the tail gait off and see if I can re-attach the locking mechanism in the morning. Ugh. On to our regularly scheduled program.

Once I take care of the above I plan to drive to Missouri and grab a hotel room for the night. From Missiouri my first destination will be Wilson State Park on Wilson Lake near Russell, Kansas to ride the Switchgrass Trail system. Plan is to stay Wed. and Thurs. nights and head to my next destination on Friday morning.

From Wilson Lake State Park I will be heading 3 hours north west towards Brady, Nebraska to ride the trails at Potter's Pasture. Again I plan to stay for two nights at the primitive campground on the property before heading to my final destination of the "traveling" part of my trip Sunday.

My final destination will be Curt Gowdy State Park between Laramie and Cheyenne, Wyoming. This will be my first taste of the Rockies and camping at elevation. I plan to spend 2-3 days here before heading south to Rocky Mountains National Park. I will update my itinerary at that point. Plans may change dependent upon the weather.

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