Monday, May 19, 2014

The Great Channels of Virginia

Short hike today along Brumley Mountain Trail 3 miles up to the Great Channels of Virginia. The trail climbs from a parking area on the side of Hwy 80, Hayter's Gap Rd., to the top of Middle Knob on Brumley Mountain. Once at the top a quick scramble up some boulders provides you with the above view of Beartown Mountain looking back to the east. At the crest of the knob lay the remains of an old fire tower and cabin.

If you can't read the stenciling the tower was erected in 1939 by the CCC, J.J. Topper foreman. Elevation 4,208.

Just behind the old fire tower is marked entrance to the Great Channels of Virginia. The Channels are a series of mini "slot canyons" eroded into the sandstone on top of the mountain. The above is a view from the top of the channels looking westward along the ridge of Brumley mountain.

This is looking back at the first opening as you descend into the Channels. Once down inside you can explore to your hearts content, although some spaces are rather tight. If you come out into trees just turn back around. Its a little disorienting at first, but after you explore a bit you'll get your bearings. A nice easy hike with a great reward for your effort.

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