Friday, August 22, 2014

Monarch Crest, Silver Creek, and Rainbow Trails

The first of the "bucket list" rides in Colorado, the Monarch Crest stretches for almost 11 miles from Monarch Pass to Marshall Pass where you have multiple options for lengthening or shortening your ride. The photographs in this post were taken over the course of two rides as the weather did not cooperate for pictures from the crest on the first ride, and turned to rain after Marshall pass on the second ride. On the first ride I completed the full Monarch Crest ride described as an IMBA Epic which is a full 34 mile ride starting at Monarch Pass including the Crest itself, Silver Creek, and Rainbow trails. On my second ride I shortened the total mileage by about 7 miles dropping down Starvation Creek Trail from Marshall Pass. I actually prefer the descent of Starvation Creek to Silver Creek as it is more scenic as it twists through Aspen and Spruce groves along narrow bench cut side hill trail along the creek. Starvation is less technical than Silver, but requires one hike a bike through a scree field about midway down the trail. Below is a picture typical of Starvation Creek Trail: loamy, narrow single track winding through the Aspens.

The remainder of this post will focus on the typical Crest/Silver/Rainbow route starting with the awesome scenery from the Crest as it climbs away from Monarch Pass. The first 2 miles are fairly steadily uphill until you reach the open ridge which will undulate along the mountain top for the next few miles. The trail itself is only moderately technical with the trail bed being grainy, fast drying, and slightly sandy giving great traction. The trail is a bit rooty in spots when it dives into Spruce groves, but again a fit beginner mountain biker could ride this section of trail without much difficulty. In the images below I've tried to capture both the awe inspiring scenery, and the nature of the trail that allows one access to this special place.

If you enlarge the image you can see the trail as it continues from the left, along the ridge in the foreground, all the way to where it exits the picture to the right.

Nearing the final descent to Marshall Pass.
The following images are of the Continental Divide, Silver Creek, and Rainbow Trails two days prior to the above images. On this day the entire section of the Monarch Crest from Monarch Pass to Marshall Pass was covered in a low cloud, with visibility of about 100-150' at the highest points of the trail. Upon dropping below the cloud cover at Marshall Pass the day became beautiful allowing good shots of the mountains and trails.

The view just prior to dropping onto Silver Creek Trail

Above is the only picture I took of Silver Creek Trail. Don't let the appearance fool you, this is one of the few smooth sections of trail. Silver Creek descends steeply from the Continental Divide Trail to the junction with Rainbow Trail. Along most of its course it is very rocky with numerous scree fields to cross.

Unlike Silver Creek Rainbow trail is fairly smooth, flowing, and non-technical along most of its course. It does however feature an elevation gain of about 1,300' along its 8 miles from the junction with Silver Creek. Most climbs are short, steep, and non-technical, but you will have a couple of sustained, rocky climbs towards then end of the trail.

 Views such as this are you reward for the short, steep climbs on Rainbow Trail. Along with smooth, sinuous, and flowing single track.

Above is the start of the final descent on Rainbow Trail back to Hwy 285. This portion of trail, while not technical, is very steep. Your brakes will be hot by the time you reach the intersection with the road. From the Hwy it is about 4.5 miles of downhill coasting back to your car.

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