Thursday, August 14, 2014

Rocky Mountain National Park - Dream Lake to The Loch Loop

Last day in Rocky Mountain National Park included a hike to Dream, Hiayaha, and Loch Lakes with a hike out along Long's Peak East Trail and down Boulder Brook Trail to escape the crowds around the upper lakes. The above picture is of the stream outlet of Dream Lake.

Dream Lake in the early morning light.

Looking down to Bear Lake on the trail between Dream Lake and Lake Hiayaha.

Looking back towards Glacier Gorge and Longs Peak on the way to Lake Hiayaha.

The rocky outflow of Lake Hiayaha.

Lake Hiayaha, which I was told is an Indian word for rocky. The borders of the lake were surrounded in boulders so the name fits. Ate a snake here while watching the cutthroat trout feed in the crystal clear waters.

Final Lake of the trip was the Loch on Loch Vale Trail. The plan was to hike on up the trail to Glass and Sky Ponds, but the weather was starting to build and the both ponds are  above tree line in the small gorge to the upper left of the picture.

To reach Glass and Sky Ponds you had to do a scramble up the side of Timberline Falls at the far end of The Loch. Have a goal for my next trip out to the Park.

Picture from the base of The Loch.

On the way out I decided to walk out Long's Peak East trail to get away from the crowds around Bear Lake area. This is Glacier Creek just above Alberta Falls. No one at this bridge, but just down stream at the falls would be herds of tourists.

The view back towards the gorges that are home to the lakes from today's and previous day's hikes from East Long's Peak Trail.

I took Boulder Brook Trail down from East Long's Peak trail to reach the park shuttle. This was the only trail that I was entirely alone on during my entire stay in the park. The trail descends for 2 miles with the last mile being especially scenic with running right along the creek through beautiful forest of Aspen and Spruce.

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