Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Curt Gowdy State Park - Scenery Pictures

I'm going to split the blog entries for Curt Gowdy State Park into two separate entries due to the sheer amount of photos. The first entry will focus on pure scenery pictures with very little commentary, and the second will focus on shots of the trails with brief descriptions of the variety of terrain available in this small state park.

Curt Gowdy State Park is dominated by two lakes; Crystal Reservoir pictured about and Granite Reservoir pictured below. There are over a hundred campsites with the majority surrounding both of these lakes. Crystal appears to be the quieter of the two, however, as boat use is allowed on Granite.

The scenery in Curt Gowdy State park changes as you go westward from Crystal Reservoir towards Granite and above into the "high country" changing from high plains scenery with sweeping vistas, through a gorge that separates the two reservoirs, to more typical Rocky Mountain Scenery at the west end of the park. Elevations range from 6,500' at the east end to almost 8,000 on the highest points of the western end of the park.

Hike up a small slot canyon on Crow Creek at the western end of the park, and go around this pool and you'll find...

...Hidden Falls.

The view looking back across the park from the overlook on El Alto Trail.

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