Thursday, August 14, 2014

Rocky Mountain National Park - Flat Top to Hallett Peak

The hike from Bear Lake up to the top of Hallett Peak is about 5 miles including 3,300' of elevation gain. The initial 3 miles of the climb is fairly well graded with many switchbacks as you leave tree line, but gets steeper as you near the summit of Flat Top. Either that or the altitude started to get to me as I neared 12,000'.

Bear Lake reflecting the surrounding mountains in the early morning. The hike up to Flat Top begins here.

Typical clear blue skies on a Rocky Mountain morning. The day was atypical however in that the clouds did not gather and turn into storms later in the day. A perfect day to linger above tree line in the afternoon.

Climbing up Flat Top; now above the tree line.

Climbing into the sky on Flat Top Mountain. Snow fields bordering the edge of the trail.

The goal for the day. Hallett Peak with Tyndall Glacier to the right.

Summit of Flat Top and surrounding tundra.

Panorama looking West/South West on the summit of Hallett Peak.

Looking towards Long's Peak, elevation 14,259, from Hallett Peak.

North East view from Hallett Peak with the ridge of Flat Top mountain in the foreground.

North West view from Hallett Peak with Tyndall Glacier and the summit of Flat Top.

Looking back towards the summit of Hallett Peak from Flat top on the way down. Summit of Long's Peak peaking out from the left.

A short side trip out the Tonahutu trail brings you to this cliff top overlook of Lake Helene, Odessa Lake, and Two Rivers Lake. Lake Helene is the center lake just at treeline with Odessa Lake to the left with Joe Mills Mountain in between. This is the upper view of my Bear Lake to Fern Lake hike on 8-8-14.

The view to the east back towards Estes Park on the way down Flat Top. Bierstadt Lake to the center of the photo.

And remember, no matter how alone you think you are, the marmots are watching...

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