Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Where to next?

The next post is mostly for my family, but feel free to read if you're so interested.

I've changed my plans slightly. Initially I was planning on heading to St. Louis and the KATY Trail.
Looking at the forecast and checking the map and mileage it makes more sense for me to hit the trails in the Missouri Ozarks before heading north. So here are my travel plans as they now stand. I will be traveling toward Potosi, MO and camping outside of town on Route 8 at the Berryman Camground. This is a primitive campground, and I doubt I'll have cell phone service there so I will be using my Spot unit to let you know I'm ok. I will hit the ok button at the trail head of each trail and once again when I'm done riding. Remember if something were to happen such as an injury that I cannot get out of the woods under my own power I have to option to notify Search and Rescue through the Spot unit, that's why I bought it.

So here's the plan as it stands. I will leave my campsite at Land Between the Lakes Thursday Oct. 20th and travel to my new campsite just outside of Potosi, MO off of Rt. 8 at the Berryman Campground. Thursday afternoon if I have the time I will be riding the Council Bluff Trail and Friday I will ride the Berryman Trail and Saturday I will be riding the Middle Fork portion of the Ozark Trail. Sunday I may or may not ride a portion of the North Trace of the Ozark trail depending on weather and how my legs feel, and then its north to just outside of St. Louis in preparation for riding the KATY.

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