Monday, October 31, 2011

Plans for the next several days...

I will be camping at Blanchard Springs Campground about 15 miles outside of Mountain View, Arkansas. I doubt I'll have cell service so watch for the Spot messages. I will do two "OK" messages one at the trail head and another once I'm done riding and back at my camp site. The trails I will be riding are called Syllamo Trail system composed of about 5 different trails of varying length, but with about 50 miles or total riding available. I'm not sure what trail I'll be riding each day, but for at least one of the trails I can ride straight out of the campground to get on it. Here's a list of the trails:
And a map in PDF form:

I will be staying at Blanchard Springs until Saturday or Sunday when I'll be heading south towards Hot Springs. I'll give you a call when I leave.

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