Tuesday, October 25, 2011

St. Louis Riverfront Trail

Yesterday, Oct. 24th, I rode the St. Louis Riverfront trail and part of the Confluence Trail in Illinois for a total of 32 miles. Here are a few of the images. I'm not going to write too much on this entry so just enjoy the pictures.

Riverfront trail along the top of the levee.

Approaching St. Louis from the industrial north side of town on the Riverfront Trail.

St. Louis skyline from Jefferson Expasion Memorial Busch Stadium is on the far left.

Ead's Bridge with a monument to Lewis and Clark in the foreground.

The detail and craftsmanship on some of the old industrial buildings is amazing. Sorry I don't have a camera really capable of capturing the detail. Many of these old buildings are disappearing. This building was, and still is, a power plant.

Merchant's Bridge

Chain of Rocks Bridge and old Route 66 across the Mississippi

Confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, the Missouri is coming in from the left. Sorry I couldn't get a better photo, the observation tower was closed.

Levee riding on the Confluence Trail with the Choteau island canal to the right. This is how the barges get past the low water damn and rapids just below the Chain of Rocks bridge.

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