Thursday, September 4, 2014

Trailrider's Trail 401 - Blue Sky Edition

My last day in Crested Butte provided me with absolutely gorgeous weather. While the weather had been nice for Star Pass the previous day gusty winds had chased me off the high points of the ride,  not allowing me to thoroughly enjoy the views. While there was a bit of a headwind approaching Schofield Pass the wind had subsided once I reached the montane meadow at the top of the climb.The picture above is of Bellview Mountain at the beginning of the ride crossing over the East River. Trail 401 descends the side of this mountain before dropping down towards Rustler's Gulch. The following pictures are the views you have riding up Gothic Road towards Schofield Pass and Trailrider's 401. The scenery does a pretty good job distracting you from the 5 mile climb, although the grade really isn't that steep until you reach the final single track climb.

Yes mamaw, that is snow covering the creek. This narrow section of road is the last to lose its snow cover in the summer.

Emerald Lake as you finish the 4wd road climb up to Schofield Pass
Schofield Pass; only 1 more mile of climbing left to go!

In case you were wondering what the stickers said. The other sign had a few uncouth stickers, and didn't make the cut. I like the "I Luv Tsali" sticker. A little bit of NC's best in Colorado.

After 6 miles of climbing you arriver here; high mountain meadows with high peaks rising all around. The view above is looking north with, from left to right Crystal Peak, Arkansas, Meadow Mountains, and Hagerman Peak visible.

The view west Treasury Mountain and Crystal Peak.

The view east with Maroon and Pyramid Peaks.

Mount Baldy with Treasury Mountain to the right looking south west.

And here it is. The 4 mile descent to the valley begins here. Sweeping views of Gothic valley and the surrounding mountains makes it difficult to keep your eyes on the trail. Luckily the trail, while narrow, is not technical, and while it descends steeply in places at other times it merely meanders along the slope of Bellview Mountain at an easy grade.

Looking back up the descent about a mile down from the start.

After 4 miles of descending the upper portion of 401 drops you out at the Rustler's Gulch trailhead, which gives you an out if the weather is bad or if you don't want to do any more climbing. Continuing on 401 you climb for a mile and a half before the final descent back to the Copper Trailhead. The following two photos are from lower 401.

Beaver Pond in the foreground, Mount Baldy in the background.

Gothic Mountain with a small beaver pond.

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