Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Star Pass Loop

The view looking north from Star Pass
This ride was quite an experience, and I'm glad I got off the Crested Butte mountain bike map so to speak to ride this loop. While this loop isn't listed as a must do ride, for reasons I'll expound on later in the post, it offers amazing views, less traffic, and good non-technical descents. I began the ride from Deadman Gulch Trail Head riding up Cement Creek road enjoying the following views as I slowly, and steadily gained altitude.

The mountain in the foreground is Hunter's Hill which this ride will be taking you around

Climbing, climbing on a 4wd road. Lambertson Mountain and Italian Peak looming in the distance.

The views help distract you from the constant uphill grade, and rough track of the 4wd road which makes climbing harder in spots.

The turn off or Crystal Peak Trail around the 7.5 mile mark. You've been climbing steadily on a 4wd road which is loose and rocky in places. If you're tired by this point you may just want to turn your bike around and pick up Upper Cement Creek Trail where it intersects with Hunter's Creek, because the true suffering of this ride begins here. I'm feeling more acclimated to the altitude having been about 7,000' for the past 4 weeks, but the grades on this climb lead me to push my bike about 3/4 of the way up to Star Pass. I could've ridden more, but I would've been pegging my HR max every 50-100 yards requiring a rest. Better to just push the bike up at a moderate pace and not overly fatigue myself. From this point you go from around 11,000' to 12,325 at Star Pass in just over 2 miles. Luckily as with the road climb you have views to admire while you're sucking wind on the climb.

Looking back toward the Cement Creek drainage from a saddle on Crystal Peak Trail. The climbing isn't over yet...
Upon reaching a saddle on Crystal Peak Trail you are rewarded with the following view. The climbing is not over, however. You'll descend slightly followed by a climb up to intersect with Brush Creek Trail for the final, literal, push to Star Pass.

Star Peak to the left and Taylor Peak to the right.

Looking back toward the saddle on Crystal Peak Trail. Crystal Peak to the right.

Intersection of Crystal Peak and Brush Creek Trails. You can see where the trail reaches Star Pass in the upper left of the picture. The final 50 yards are steep...

The view looking down the headwaters of the Taylor River from Star Pass with Taylor Peak to the left. Sadly I couldn't stay at Star Pass and enjoy the views for as long as I would've like as the wind was very strong, felt like sustained 30 mph with gusts into the 40s, and I was beginning to cool off and chill.

The view south from Star Pass down the Brush Creek drainage. That little bit of trail you can see to the left ascending the saddle is the top of Double Top and the last climb of the day.

From Star Pass you have a nice 1.2 mile descent to the junction of Brush Creek and Double Top Trails. Don't think the climbing is over however, as you have a 1/2 mile grunt up to the saddle on Double Top before the true descending begins.

A pleasant view from the intersection of Brush Creek and Double Top Trails

The last climb of the day. There are a couple of steep pitches lined with cinder blocks to prevent erosion from the trail bike traffic on double top, but other than these sections the climb is mostly rideable by mere mortals.

Climbing done for the day! You're rewarded with this view and a 7.5 mile downhill.

Panorama of the view from Double Top saddle

Looking east toward the Cement Creek drainage and down at the descent to come

Descend steeply from double top to here, the intersection of Hunter's Creek Trail. The grade lessens a bit, and the trail smooths out for the 2.4 mile descent of Hunter's Creek until the last 1/4 mile which is steep with loose rocks, but nothing too bad.

Midway down Hunter's Creek Trail, smooth, flowing Colorado singletrack.

Last picture of the day from Upper Cement Creek Trail Looking back at Lambertson Mountain and Italian Peak near the junction of Hunter's Creek Trail. 4 miles of narrow, twisting descent to the intersection with Cement Creek Rd. followed by a quick descent back to Deadman Gulch Trailhead.

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