Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mills River to Fish Hatchery Lollipop Ride

First sunny day in over a week so I figured it would be a good day to relax from packing and hit the Forest Service roads for a 41 mile ride from North Mills River to the Fish Hatchery and back. The route was FR 1206 to Hwy 276 to the Fish Hatchery at Davidson River to FR 475B back to 276 and 1206 back to the truck. Hence the lollipop description for the ride as it is an out and back with a loop extension at the end.

Fall is in he air. Sourwoods and Maples have turned or are turning red and the Poplars are starting to show their yellows. I'm not sure if this will be an especially colorful year however as many trees are starting to shed their leaves early. Hope I'm wrong even if I won't be here to enjoy it.

Colors starting to show along FR 1206.

 Looking Glass Falls on Hwy 276.

John Rock from the Fish Hatchery.

Climbing FR 475B.

Looking Glass Rock from FR 475B.

A gap in the trees looking south towards Hogback Mtn.

Heading back on FR 1206.

Bear crossing the road in front of me on the last climb of the day on FR 1206. Looked like a yearling, maybe 100 lbs or so. Didn't have time to focus in as he was walking across the road. I had stopped earlier to snap a picture of the river below the bank that the bear came up and noticed him as I was walking back to the bike. Had I not turned around at that exact time I never would've seen it.

So that was my day. How was yours?

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